Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My current writing endevours

I have a long term goal to write a novel and after that novel to write many more. In short, I want to be a best selling author. It is ambitious, I know, but I love books. I would love to be for someone else what many authors have been to me. Books have been my friends through many years. So what am I doing to meet my goal.
First, I am writing this blog. This helps me discipline myself to write and also gives me the opportunity to share my life with all of you. In turn, I learn and enjoy hearing from you.
Second, I read books and other blogs. Today I read a blog about how to be likable in blogs. likability quotient by Kristen Lamb. I also enjoy reading the writing adventures of Miranda Suri .
Third, I am writing a short story to submit to a writing contest. I have finished writing it. I now need to edit it and turn it lose on my writing critics before I submit it. I am excited for this phase in my writing process.


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