Tuesday, July 26, 2011

baby steps to becoming a writer

In January I went to a three day writing seminar, Superstars Writing Seminar, given by five bestselling fantasy and science fiction writers.  This is a yearly seminar held to discuss the professional side of writing. Some of the material covered includes: How do you get published? What information goes into the contract? What about independent publishing? This was my first baby step towards becoming a professional writer.

My second step was starting this blog. It helps me be more disciplined in my writing.

I also have submitted one story to a contest called Writers of the Future. This is a quarterly contests for the unpublished writer. If you are looking for a good place to start your own writing career, this is it.

My new baby step is to pick something I have already written and prepare it  to publish online. This I'm sure will take me a while. I anticipate needing to fight my own fear of not knowing what I"m doing and possibly failing. Along with this step I"m going to create a new blog which will deal with writing issues and what is going on with my writing. I'm hoping that in writing this I will be more accountable for my writing and put forth the effort to get these things accomplished. While I'm telling you what I need to get done for my own discipline, I really need to finish my current story. I can't seem to get excited about it and put forth the effort to work on it. So now all of you, my readers, are my accountability partners. I will let you know my progress as I go along. If you are interested in being a reader for me in the editing process shoot me an email at kjriggs339@gmail.com and i will add you to my reading list.

Baby steps to my computer, baby steps to my computer, baby steps turn on my computer, baby steps open up word.


  1. Kristin, I love this post! I love that you've been growing and challenging yourself in your writing over the past few months especially. You have always been a really creative writer. Meanwhile, I totally understand what you're dealing with with the baby steps, but the writing that I'm pushing myself towards isn't so much creative as academic, and the idea of trying to publish it is a lot scarier than anything I've done yet in my education. Peer review sounds awfully intimidating, doesn't it? Anyways, be encouraged and keep up the good writing. I love reading this blog and I would love to read anything you're working on publishing. Love you!

  2. What about Bob?

    And babysteps, yes.

  3. The steeper the mountain to climb, the shorter baby steps that are needed!

  4. Andrea: I'm glad you like my blog. Thanks for your comment
    Dad: I've climbed quite a few mountains and baby steps sometimes is the only way you make it

    I love What About Bob. Great movie
